Note: Your progress in watching these videos WILL NOT be tracked. These training videos are the same videos you will experience when you take the full Coronavirus COVID-19 for Healthcare Workers Level 2 (VTQ) program. You may begin the training for free at any time to start officially tracking your progress toward your certificate of completion.

Importance of PPE in Workplace Safety

Understanding PPE

Exploring the significance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in safeguarding against workplace hazards.

Key Points:

  • PPE encompasses various protective items like helmets, gloves, eye protection, and masks.
  • It shields users from health and safety risks encountered during work activities.

Managing COVID-19 Risks

Adapting PPE usage guidelines to effectively combat COVID-19 transmission risks.

Crucial Considerations:

  • Additional PPE for COVID-19 is generally unnecessary outside clinical settings.
  • Risk management for COVID-19 primarily involves social distancing and hygiene practices.
  • Exceptions apply to high-risk environments like hospitals, where PPE remains essential.
  • Precautionary PPE usage is discouraged in non-clinical settings unless transmission risk is very high.
  • Free provision of necessary PPE is mandated if risk assessments deem it essential.
  • Proper fitting of provided PPE is crucial for effectiveness.