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Government's 5-Step Plan for Businesses

Step 1: Conduct a COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Before resuming work, businesses should conduct a thorough risk assessment aligned with HSE guidance. Consultation with workers or trade unions is essential, and the results of the assessment should be shared with the workforce.

Step 2: Establish Cleaning and Hygiene Protocols

Develop cleaning, handwashing, and hygiene procedures to ensure workplace safety. This includes increasing handwashing frequency, providing hand sanitiser, and implementing enhanced cleaning measures for high-traffic areas.

Step 3: Support Remote Working

Facilitate remote working arrangements by providing necessary equipment and ensuring inclusion in communications. Prioritize both physical and mental wellbeing of remote workers.

Step 4: Maintain 2m Social Distancing

Encourage 2m social distancing by displaying signs, avoiding shared workstations, and marking areas with floor tape. Implement one-way traffic systems and appointment-based visits to minimize contact.

Step 5: Manage Transmission Risk

Where 2m distancing is not feasible, take measures to manage transmission risk. Utilize screens, rearrange desks, stagger arrival and departure times, and minimize contact through fixed teams or partnering.