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Workplace Safety Measures During COVID-19

Employers' Responsibilities

Understanding the duty of employers to reduce workplace risks and ensure health and safety for all.

Key Points:

  • Employers must collaborate with others sharing the workplace to ensure everyone's safety.
  • COVID-19 necessitates specific measures to protect workers and visitors.

Implementing Preventative Measures

Adopting proactive steps to minimize workplace risks and promote a safe environment.

Crucial Steps:

  • Encourage unwell workers and visitors to stay at home to prevent transmission.
  • Heighten the frequency of handwashing and surface cleaning in all workplaces.
  • Promote remote working wherever feasible to reduce physical interactions.
  • Ensure compliance with social distancing guidelines, with mitigation measures if necessary.
  • Consider alternative work arrangements to minimize direct contact.
  • Evaluate the necessity of face-to-face work activities and implement appropriate precautions.

Ensuring Safety in the Work Environment

Emphasizing the importance of evaluating risks and seeking sector-specific advice.

Additional Considerations:

  • Assess risks posed by COVID-19 promptly and thoroughly.
  • Regularly review implemented safety measures for effectiveness.
  • Adapt measures to address evolving workplace conditions and emerging risks.