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Recommendations for Fluid Resistant Surgical Masks


This video presents advice based on the website regarding the recommendations for fluid-resistant surgical masks (FRSM).

Key Points

  • Protection: FRSMs provide barrier protection against respiratory droplets reaching the mouth and nose mucosa.
  • Usage: FRSMs should be well fitted and handled with the same level of care as respirators.
  • Disposal: FRSMs are for single-use or single session and must be discarded afterward.
  • Replacement: Used FRSMs should be replaced and not reused in any circumstances outlined for respirators.
  • Effectiveness: Masks have a proven protective effect against respiratory viral infections.
  • Comparison: There's no evidence that respirators offer added value over FRSMs for droplet protection, except during aerosol-generating procedures.


Adhering to these recommendations is crucial for ensuring the effective use of fluid-resistant surgical masks in clinical settings.