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What to Do If You Suspect You Have Coronavirus - NHS Guidelines

1. Emergency Situations

If you experience the following symptoms, seek immediate medical attention:

  • Shortness of Breath: Unable to complete short sentences when at rest due to breathlessness.
  • Sudden Worsening: Breathing suddenly worsens within an hour.
  • Low Blood Oxygen: Blood oxygen level is 92% or less. If confirmed, go to A&E immediately or call 999.
  • General Signs of Serious Illness: Symptoms like coughing up blood, cold and sweaty skin, unexplained rash, fainting, confusion, agitation, extreme drowsiness, or decreased urine output.

If you have a pulse oximeter, provide the oxygen saturation reading to the EMS operator.

2. Urgent Medical Attention

Call your GP or phone 111 if you experience the following:

  • Gradual Deterioration: Slowly feeling more unwell or breathless.
  • Difficulty Breathing: Struggling to breathe when moving, such as going to the toilet.
  • Low Blood Oxygen: Blood oxygen level is 94% or 93% when sitting or lying down, and remains low after rechecking within an hour.
  • General Sense of Unwellness: Feeling weak, extremely tired, loss of appetite, reduced urine output, or inability to perform simple tasks.
  • Abnormal Blood Oxygen Level: If your blood oxygen level drops below your usual level, even if it's typically below 95%.

Inform the operator that you suspect you may have coronavirus.