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Understanding COVID-19 Vaccines


The development of COVID-19 vaccines offers hope for the future amidst the pandemic. Let's explore the key aspects of three prominent vaccines: Pfizer, Oxford AstraZeneca, and Moderna.

Vaccine Mechanisms

The vaccines work differently:

  • Pfizer and Moderna: Contain mRNA, which prompts the body's immune response.
  • Oxford AstraZeneca: Utilizes the spike protein of the coronavirus, incorporated into an adenovirus vector.

Immune Response

Upon vaccination:

  • Immune Activation: The immune system generates defensive cells, including memory cells, providing long-term protection.
  • Memory Cells: Offer lifelong immunity by recognizing and swiftly responding to future encounters with the virus.

Vaccine Storage and Administration

Proper storage and administration are crucial:

  • Pfizer: Stored at -70°C initially, then at 2-8°C for up to 5 days after thawing.
  • Oxford AstraZeneca: Stored at 2-8°C for varying durations, depending on whether the vial is opened or unopened.
  • Moderna: Arrives frozen and should be stored at 2-8°C after thawing.
  • Administration: Given intramuscularly, typically in the deltoid muscle of the arm.

Consult with your doctor to understand the benefits and risks associated with COVID-19 vaccination or boosters.