Note: Your progress in watching these videos WILL NOT be tracked. These training videos are the same videos you will experience when you take the full Coronavirus COVID-19 for Healthcare Workers Level 2 (VTQ) program. You may begin the training for free at any time to start officially tracking your progress toward your certificate of completion.

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COVID-19 Self-Testing Guide


Self-testing for COVID-19 aids in slowing down the spread of infections, safeguarding vulnerable individuals, and protecting families and friends.

Types of Tests

There are two primary types of COVID-19 tests:

  • Antigen or Swab Test: Detects current infection.
  • Antibody Test: Determines past infection (currently limited availability).

How to Perform a Swab Test

Follow these steps for a successful self-test:

  1. Preparation: Read instructions carefully, clean and dry the test area, and wash hands thoroughly.
  2. Test Setup: Check kit contents, set up the test strip, and prepare the extraction tube.
  3. Swabbing: Swab your throat and nostrils carefully as instructed.
  4. Processing: Transfer the swab to the extraction tube and process the sample.
  5. Reading Results: Wait for 30 minutes before interpreting the results.

Interpreting Results

Understand the test results:

  • Negative: A line appears next to the "C" (control) marking.
  • Positive: Lines appear next to both "C" and "T" (test) markings, indicating infection.
  • Void Test: No lines or only a line by the "T" marking, indicating an inconclusive result.

Reporting Results

After testing, report your results:

  • Use the QR code or product ID number on the test strip.
  • Report results online or via phone to the NHS.


Self-testing for COVID-19 provides a quick and convenient way to monitor infection status. Follow guidelines carefully to ensure accurate results.