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Guidelines for Sessional Use of PPE


In this video, we'll provide information from the website regarding the sessional use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Key Points

  • Single-Use Items: Aprons and gloves must be disposed of and hand hygiene performed after each patient contact, following Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs).
  • Sessional Use: Respirators, fluid-resistant surgical masks (FRSM), eye protection, and long-sleeved disposable fluid repellent gowns may be used for a single session in certain circumstances.
  • Definition of a Session: A session refers to a period when a health or social care worker performs duties in a specific clinical care setting or exposure environment. It ends when the worker leaves the setting.
  • Disposal: Once PPE is removed, it should be disposed of safely. The duration of a session varies based on clinical activity.
  • Rationale for Sessional Use: Sessional use aims to reduce the risk of indirect transmission and facilitate efficient clinical care.
  • Continued Use: PPE should not be continued if damaged, soiled, compromised, uncomfortable, or beyond the manufacturer's recommended duration of use.
  • Considerations: Appropriateness of single versus sessional use depends on the task, activity, and local context.